Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

Right here is one more article that will cover top programming languages that you can learn this year.

As we are stepping into the post-COVID world where every profession is getting online. This situation has led to a huge demand for developers in the IT sector.

There are so many programming languages that are in demand right now and this will continue for a very long time. And also, if we talk about employment in India most job opportunities are available in the IT sector. If you want to work in the IT sector you must have knowledge of a programming language.

It's not like that every job/position in the IT sector requires someone to have the knowledge of a programming language, but we can say that in more than 90% of the jobs an employee must have the knowledge of some programming language.

In this article, the top 10 picks of programming languages will be shared that you should learn in 2022. It is believed that these programming languages will be in huge demand and anyone skillful in any of those programming languages will have a lot of scope and potential in earning a lot of money. So let's get started.

Top 10 Programming language


Our first programming language in the list is Python. A Programming language that you must learn in 2022. When we talk about programming languages we can't miss python. Just like the lion is the king of the Jungle, looking out at the programming language, it is the Python language.

In a very simple way, we can say that the Python language is a base of every other programming language as it comprises properties of almost every language.

Python language is best known for many of the advanced technologies. Python is used for technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, Data Science, and many more.

The best thing about the Python language is that it is very easy to learn. It is a type of language that is very much in demand and important. Companies like Intel, Facebook, Spotify, Netflix, etc work with Python.

So if you are a beginner or a basic coder, learning the Python language can be an amazing choice for you. And python learners don't have to stick to python only, in fact, while learning Python, learners can get a basic insight into other languages also.

R programming language

The second programming language that you can learn in 2022 is R Programming language. R programming language is a statistical programming language that is mostly used for data analysis and data mining.

So if you want to make your career in Data Analysis, you can definitely choose the R programming language. Also, we don't have to sit for debate on how much data analysis is important in the current programming and IT world.

Currently whoever is making his/her career in Data Analysis and Mining, gets some insane packages. So R language can be a great choice for someone who wants to make a career in Data Analysis.

One more thing to notice is, the R language is in huge demand but along with that, there is a shortage of experts in the R language. So if you can add R programming language to your programming skill arsenal, you will face very little completion. Low completion means high and long-term growth opportunities.

The R language is preferred by companies like Google, LinkedIn, Amazon, Flipkart, etc, and provides very good salary packages to experts of R Programming Language.


Our third programming language in the list is PHP. PHP is a general-purpose scripting language, that is, it is a server-side language for web development.

It is one of the oldest yet most easy-to-learn backend programming languages for web development. In comparison to any other scripting language available, PHP is the fastest.

PHP lost its popularity in the past few years, but now with the rapid changes in the Web development sector, the requirement of PHP developers is increasing day by day. Rather it is incorrect to say that PHP lost its popularity because job vacancies for PHP developers never actually stopped.

You might be thinking that why anyone should go for an old language like PHP, here is the reason, PHP language is still in use by companies like Wikipedia, Yahoo, etc. Even many government websites in India also use PHP as the backend language. So PHP can be a great choice for someone to start their career in the IT sector.


The next pick for the top programming language is Go. Go programming language is considered to be the future replacer of all the other languages. This is because Go is one of the most reliable and efficient programming languages that stand out from the rest.

The demand for Go programming language is increasing currently. And you should know why- Go facilitates and is used for advanced technologies like Artificial intelligence and Data Science.

Big companies like Google hire the experts in Go programming language. So Go Language can also be a good choice to learn in 2022.


Java is a multi-purpose programming language. Say you want to develop Mobile Applications, Web Development, or work with Artificial Intelligence or Data Science, Java programs can be used.

Java is one of the most powerful programming languages that is currently used in more than 3 billion devices. It is currently one of the most trending technologies that have never lost its popularity. And is used almost everywhere, even you might also be using it currently on your smartphone.

With that said, we all know how Cloud computing is a technology that is rapidly growing. Java can be used in cloud computing also.

Another reason why Java is so popular is, Java is one of the most secure languages, and for this reason, companies like Amazon, Adobe, Instagram, Flipkart, etc prefer Java in some of their projects.

Also, Java is a beginner-friendly language, so for these reasons, Java can be a great choice in 2022.


If you are interested in developing Android apps and want to make a future in Android development, then Kotlin is a programming language that you must learn in 2022.

This is because Kotlin is the language that is used and preferred by more than 60 percent of Android developers.

Also because the way market is changing, every business getting online, everyone wants their brand to have its own website and mobile application. So job market for Kotlin developers is also open.

Companies like Pinterest, Uber, Trello, Amazon, etc work with Kotlin for their Android apps in the market. Hence Kotlin is also a good option for programming to learn in 2022.

C and C++

The next pick in the list is C and C++ Programming language. C language is a general-purpose programming language that is used in designing Games for efficient processing. It can also be used in graphics and even developing enterprise applications.

Being an old programming language, Developers of C and C++ still have scope in many sectors. So if you choose C Programming Language and make yourself an expert in it, you will have many doors open yourself.

As C language is most preferred when needing best performance with having low memory and processor, it is used in games and in robots for small chipsets.

To know more about C and C++, you can read one of my previous articles on Differences between C, C++, and C#.

GitHub still uses this old C language in many portions. And even NASA uses the C language, so you can imagine why C and C++ still got this reputation in the programming world.

C#/C Sharp

If you are interested in Game Development, then C#/C Sharp is the language that you should learn in 2022. C# runs on the Dot Net Framework (.NET), developed by Microsoft.

Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

As per a survey, almost 34% of the top mobile games are made using C#. So this makes C# a very important language to learn.

By the way, Game Development isn't the only purpose of using C#. C# is also used for developing desktop applications (Visual Basics, VB.Net) as well as Web Development (Active Server Pages, ASP.Net).


The next language in this suggestion list is JavaScript. If you are interested in Web development, then JavaScript is the best and a must-learn programming language.

Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

JavaScript is currently the most demanding and essential language in Web Development. This is because JavaScript is still used in more than 98% of the client-side programming for a web page.

The IT market is in huge demand for JavaScript Developers, and job requirements for a JS Developer are never going down for a long time.

Along with that learning Frontend Frameworks like React Js, AngularJS, Vue, Svelte are going to help you surprisingly. So there are many golden opportunities waiting for you in the IT field if you have JavaScript mastery.


If you are someone who wanted to become a backend developer, that is handling Database Management and stuffs related to Database Administration, then the one language that you should choose is SQL (Often pronounced as "Sequel").

Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language for specifying the organization of databases (Collection of Records).

SQL is a language that no one talks about. But without SQL there is not a single operation that can be executed in a Fully developed application. Every project/application needs to work with data that is saved and used again and again without the end-user knowing about it.

The job role of an SQL Developer includes creating and managing database tables, designing and developing codes for interfaces to interact with the data from the databases. Also, they have to ensure that data is protected using stored procedures and other methods.

Since the scenario in the current market is, every organization/company wants an Expert SQL Developer, there is very little availability. Big Companies like Microsoft, Amazon prefers using SQL.

Few more popular programming language


Swift is an Apple programming language designed for IOS development and Mac-OS. It is an extremely efficient language, it has ease of use, faster processing like Python, PHP, and JavaScript. And it is should be noted that it also has a runtime speed nearly as fast as C and C++.

Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

Apple earlier used Objective-C prior to Swift, but objective-c is much more low-level and difficult to work with. Swift is an interesting high-level language, which is easy to write, very productive, and runs really fast. Basically, Swift is mostly used for developing the IOS of IPhones and IPad apps.

And finally of course we all know how everything is evolving in the IT market. Becoming an IOS Developer and making IOS applications has a huge job requirement in the IT sector.


Rust is a low-level programming language with direct access to hardware and memory. You're going to find a lot of similarities of the syntax with the C++, in fact, if you have coded C++ in the past you're going to find a lot of comfort with this language.

Now this language also brings us some of the fresh new concepts like Trades, Borrow Checker, and is also revolving a lot about Concurrency. Very similar to the Golang, Rust also gives you the ability to trace the data, races, mutex, and a lot of memory and concurrency as well.

Top 10 Programming Languages to learn in 2022

Being a low-level programming language you're going to hear a lot of buzzwords about the Rust in the community which is building the core stuff which is absolutely underlying the hardware or very similar or touching the hardware at least. You're going to see that a lot of compilers are being rewritten in that and also lots of Linux packages are being written using RUST.

In the initial days, there was a shortage of the packages for the Rust but those are the gone days.


So these were the options for the top programming language that you should learn in 2022.

There are certainly more things to take away from this article-

The type of programming language you choose will impact the type of company you work for. For example- C Sharp, Java is used in typically very large organizations. PHP is much more oriented towards smaller businesses and startups. Although some big organizations like Wikipedia, WordPress, and Facebook do use PHP. So the language will impact the type of place, the type of business you want to work for.

This is important because you may like the idea of working for a very large corporation or you may like the idea of working for a smart small company-two different lifestyles two different psychologies in terms of the developer.

We've discussed compiled versus interpreted languages. Compiled languages like C, C++, C sharp, and Java and interpreted languages like Python.

Javascript, PHP, and there are many other compiled languages out there typically, that run much faster than interpreted language but they're slower to write and we should consider writing speed more important than runtime speed.

I hope you liked this article and if so share it with your friends and colleagues.
