Image Gallery Filter using Isotope JS
What is a Image Gallery Filter:
Image gallery filter is a way of presenting the images in a convenient way, using Image Filter is beneficial when you have lots of images to display and images are of different categories. Image Filter also gives better user experience. Image Filter can be used in Websites which are Portfolios, Photography or displaying Products.
What is Isotope JS:
Isotope JS is a JavaScript library that lets you sort and filter categorized content. Using Isotope JS is pretty easy and is very small in size.
You only need the JavaScript file and no other CSS, you can design your personal gallery layout.
Isotope JS is free for Personal Use like project but has to be purchased for Commercial website.
Isotope JS is used by many websites such as : New York Times, Comedy Central, USA Rugby etc.
Using Isotope JS:
To use Isotope JS the easiest way is to use the
1. Class selector and categories the element that will be Filtered or Sorted.
2. Then initialize the JS by selecting Gallery Parent Container.
3. Set Up the other necessary JQuery and JavaScript code.
Here is a demo usage of Isotope JS: