Web developer Roadmap 2022

Web Developer Roadmap, Road to Web Developer, web developer 2021

In this article, I will be talking about the web developer roadmap. So if anyone of you wants to be a web developer you are welcome to read this article.

You will be getting the knowledge of what you should do, how much you should do what courses you should do and from where you should do it, In order to become a web developer. All the details will be cleared in this article.

When we talk about web development, we can say that it is a very safe, practical, and powerful skill to have in the current scenario.

It is a skill that will land you a dream job, help you placements in College, and also you can start freelancing.

Newbies always get pretty confused about the path, It's because of different opinions from different people and also the availability of different frameworks libraries, and programming languages. 

So let's talk about the path of becoming a web developer.

How do I become a web developers?

When we talk about web development we mean full-stack web developer i.e., knowledge of both Front-end and Back-end development.

If you want to be a web developer then you must know three essential things for Web Development. These three things are:

  1. Common Programming skills
  2. Front end development knowledge
  3. Backend development

If you know these three pillars of web development then you are good to go.

Before we proceed If you want a visual representation of the roadmap then you can go to this link: (Web Developer Roadmap by Kamran Ahmed)

Common Programming Skills and Essential stuffs

  • Git and Github: It is a version control system and is very much utilised by many software companies for maintaining their projects.
  • Basic Linux commands: Just have a brief knowledge of commands for general purpose.
  • SSH/Protocols and APIs: knowledge of http and https. How you can sync your localhost program to a remote host machine. How API is called from the the front end.

These skills are very easy to get and you can learn these skills in a maximum of 5 days.

FrontEnd Knowledge

  • Ask any professional about front end and they will tell you to learn HTML and CSS. So same goes here also. With that said, It is also advised to have a basic knowledge of JavaScript such as syntax of JavaScript, loops, little bit of DOM architecture, etc. Now from where you should get these knowledge, its - W3school.com. This website provides the best HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding with explanation and also give example and sample practice editor. But if incase you don't like documentation study and find it boring then you can opt for video lectures:
    1. Udemy course: Advance web dev Bootcamp.
    2. Traversy Media HTML course on YouTube.
    3. And CSS course.
  • With the passage of time now a days HTML and CSS won't bring you a job. You should acquire the knowledge of extra skills that will help you do your work faster. Skills like Sass.
    You have to learn and use some Front-end framework. You can choose from three options, which are:
    1. React
    2. Angular
    3. Vue

Vue JS is good but is not used much in comparison to React and Angular. In my opinion you should opt for react because developers with knowledge of React gets paid more than developer who has knowledge in Angular. To learn react you can go for Udemy course: "React the complete guide course".

  • Now once you have the knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and a front-end framework like react it's time to make project by yourself. You must have visited some websites, you can make the clone of such websites. Make at least three to five websites clone to have a good knowledge and gain experience. Increase the difficulty by your own self. Facing any error or difficulty then use stackoverflow.com.And that's how you complete your front end development knowledge.

Backend knowledge

Before we proceed let's know what backend programming is. Suppose you visited a website, enter some data and you receives some output. For example, you enter the country name and the website returns the number of current covid patients in the country. What are the websites doing is it is fetching the data which is stored in the database, processing it then displaying results to the user. The Front-end is visible to the user and allows it to give commands and the process data which comes as output is the backend. Backend where all APIs run and the data CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations take place.

When we talk about backend data processing systems we have many options some of which, you can use:

  • Java + Spring
  • Python + Django
  • ASP.Net + SQL Server
  • PHP + MySQL
  • and lastly the most preferred Node JS.

You can also opt for Ruby for Rails. Do you know Ruby for rails was also used in developing Dev.to. To be honest I personally also suggest you learn PHP or ASP.Net if you are a complete beginner. For NodeJS you can go for the Udemy course: "The Complete NodeJS Developer course"
For Java and Spring, just Google it. You will many free courses on Java+Spring.

Now how can I forget about Databases when we talk about Backend. For databases, you can go for MongoDB. It is a NoSQL database and stores the data in JSON format. You can go for SQL server for ASP.Net, Oracle for Java+Spring and JSP, and MySQL for PHP.
To learn a database you must know how to write and run queries to manipulate data, basically DBMS.

So that's all knowledge that you must acquire to become a Web Developer.

How much time does it take to become a Web Developer?

Considering you are also a complete beginner who wants to become a Web Developer and you can invest your 2-3 hours of the day in gaining the knowledge.

30 Days

You should complete HTML and CSS within 30 Days.

10 Days

10 more days in learning basics of JavaScript.

30 Days

Now make few 3-5 projects in 30 days

1 or 2 Months

Now invest your 1/2 month in learning front end framework like Angular or React. (2 Months Maximum).

50 more days

Next 50 days in learning backend server side programming language and with
that learn database connection in few more days added in needed.

So you can be a web developer within approximately 6 to 7 Months.

But remember that have to practice by your own self, only watching/reading the tutorials won't do anything. Practice the code by your own self.

P.S: I hope you find this article informative. If you do so, do let me know in the comments and share this with your friends who also want to become Web Developers.

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